City Maps: Shannon Mattern and Rebecca Ross on ‘Mapping urban media infrastructures’

In Workshop 4 of the CHASE City Maps series, Shannon Mattern (The New School) and Rebecca Ross (Central Saint Martins) examined methods for exploring, excavating, observing, testing, and notating urban media infrastructures, broadly defined. Participants developed a shared infrastructural question and cartographic strategy, before heading out to Bloomsbury’s Russell Square and environs to make observations. … Continue Reading

Documentary London: now showing at Birkbeck

The London Screen Study Collection and Birkbeck Institute for the Moving Image (BIMI) have recently announced a new 2016 series of documentary films related to London. I’ve posted the details below. I plan to at least partly reverse my lack of attendance at BIMI screenings by checking out some of these. London Screen Study Collection … Continue Reading

Screening of new documentary Secret City

Though I think I might regrettably not be able to attend, tomorrow there is a free, public screening of what looks like a very interesting new documentary film titled Secret City. The result of a collaboration between documentary filmmaker and academic Michael Chanan and journalism and media researcher Lee Salter, the film takes an inside … Continue Reading

Visit ‘Digital Cities’! Erm… if you have a time machine

After browsing through Wired UK’s November 2009 issue on the digital city, somehow, through some chain of accidents and accidental thoughts, I had come to believe, strongly, that The Building Centre in London was currently hosting an exhibit on Digital Cities: London’s Future, and indeed, that said exhibit was just about finished. I kept reminding … Continue Reading